Honoré #1
PV: 18 June | Runs: 19 - 24 June 2014
Galerie Rue Visconti, 17 -19 Rue Visconti, Paris
A program by Laure Flammarion & Pauline Lévêque
HONORÈ #1 Part 3
A group show curated by Alix Janta, Hannah Watson & Aron Morel.


For this show, I will present the work of artists who have been exploring various processes and attempting to get new results, whether they have developed their own technique or have kept in line with classical tradition of printing or drawing and who have as a result created interesting textural works. Through a salon-style installation of 2-D black and white works, the viewer will be introduced to a panel of artworks presenting a selection of various techniques such as lithography, drawing, etching, collotype, biro-drawing, digitally processed photography, screen-printing, monoprint, etc . The artists will have to share their technicality with the viewer through a “fiche technique” (fact sheet) which would describe their choice of materials, ‘craftsmanship’ and the different production stages.

-Alix Janta


HONORÉ a program by Laure Flammarion & Pauline Lévêque

HONORÉ produces installations of artworks, propositions to build an ideal collection.

HONORÉ establishes a link between artists and buyers, and is aimed at amateurs as well as professionals.

HONORÉ develops a network of young collectors and encourage first time purchases.

HONORÉ is a place for festive and joyful exchange. People meet there with the guarantee to discover work that is relevant, attractive and unique.

HONORÉ invites artists at different stages of their career to produce and show works that challenge their own practice.

HONORÉ mainly acts in the fields of drawing, photography, painting and collage.

HONORÉ collaborates with curators and publishers.

HONORÉ is a space of freedom.

HONORÉ works in season. Season #1 is a series of three installations. One opening per week during three weeks.  Same day, same time, same place. Opening on Wednesday at 7pm, finishing on Saturday, Galerie Visconti.

HONORÉ has one fixed address: 17-19 rue Visconti in Paris, France. The space belongs to the Éditions Visconti. Formerly, Honoré de Balzac based there his printing company.

HONORÉ #1 makes appointments on Wednesday 4th, Wednesday 11th and Wednesday 18th for three openings.

Thank you for visiting.

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