Tamsin Relly started this series of Rainbow Colour Studies when she first returned to the studio in early 2020, having taken a pause after her daughter was born the previous summer. ‘The initial idea was to create a rainbow mixing only three colours, as a way of getting back to some technical basics, while exploring palettes for new work. It was one of my ways back into painting – a simple and playful exercise I could get my head around.’
Shortly after, coronavirus enveloped the globe and the Rainbow – an age old sign of magic and possibility – bloomed into a universal symbol of hope and gratitude for those on the frontline. Relly ran a workshop for Hospital Rooms Digital Art School (which was launched as a way of bringing creativity to inpatient mental health units during the pandemic) where participants made rainbows out of three colours, while exploring basic colour theory.
A share of the proceeds from all sales have been donated to various charities including Hospital Rooms, Asks For Masks, Woman’s Aid and MandKind Initiative.